The cyclic voltammetric experiments were used to study the influence of peroxy bond ′ s stability in artemisinin in the presence of glutathione ( GSH) and surfactant. 采用循环伏安法研究了谷胱甘肽、表面活性剂共存体系对青蒿素过氧键稳定性的影响。
This paper summarizes the most recent documents on bond analysis model, bond behavior under cyclic loads, bond behavior of high performance concrete and the influence on bond behavior owing to rebar corrosion. 本文总结了粘结应力的基本分析模式、反复荷载作用下钢筋混凝土的粘结性能、高性能混凝土与钢筋的粘结性能、钢筋锈蚀对粘结性能的影响以及一些与粘结有关的新式试验方法。
Twenty standard bond specimens of GFRP rod were tested under monotonic load and cyclic load to study the changes of bond strength, the slip at the loaded end, unloading stiffness and hysteretic energy dissipation. 对20个GFRP筋标准拔出试件进行了单调静力加载和高应力重复加卸载的粘结性能试验,考察了粘结强度、加载端滑移量、粘结刚度及滞回耗能的变化规律。
Reaction behavior of the acrylic and the cyclic double bond of dicyclopentadienyl acrylate ( DCPA) during and after UV curing were investigated by Fourier-Transform-infrared ray ( FT-IR). 用FT-IR对丙烯酸双环戊二烯酯(DCPA)中的丙烯酸双键和脂环双键在UV固化过程中和固化后的化学反应行为进行了研究。